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Prayer For Immediate Help From God And Urgent Needs (2024)

Strong Prayer For Immediate Help From God That Brings Instant Answers

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Published by Shannon Jacobs



Last Updated:

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Looking to the future, we feel it has never been more crucial for God’s people to engage in prayer. Prayer[1] is one of the most effective tools God has given us. It can be complicated to know how to pray, though, especially a prayer for immediate help from God.

Knowing how to pray or what to ask for might be challenging when trying circumstances emerge in a society where right and wrong are frequently mixed and the future is so unknown. However, we can be confident that God’s plan is suitable for those who love Him and that we are safest when we are in the middle of His predetermined course of action.

A Prayer For Urgent Need Of Divine Help

Miracle Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for ensuring that nothing is beyond your control. According to your word, you are the God who works miracles and shows off His might to the populace. Please answer my plea for a gift.

Give me a reason to believe in your ability to respond. What I consider impossible, you can accomplish. Please, Lord God, work a miracle in my life. Even when I am at a loss for words, I know you can still take action.

Please consider me more significant than any challenge I may face. You are the impossibility’s God. Please help me to remain steadfast in my faith and maintain my attention on You in the face of unforeseen circumstances. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, I pray.


“Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.'”

— Matthew 19:26

Prayer To Believe In A Miracle When You Need One


I appreciate your kindness and desire to keep me from relying on anyone but you. Please forgive me for neglecting you in favor of my job and other people. I appreciate you remembering me. Lord, the days ahead may be a little frightening at times, but I now understand that the only way to a miracle is through difficult terrain.

I’ve realized that the source of a miracle will be unexpected, so I shouldn’t try to guess what that might be. Allow me to believe in you. Even though what you require me to do only sometimes makes sense, I will comply with your request. Please remind me that you are all I need, and I shall have what I need wherever you lead.

I want to develop daily faith in you. I would rather take your lead than mine. I humbly ask that you save me and my life because I desire to follow you. I assure you that you’ll take care of me if I put my trust in you. In Jesus’ name, I pray.


“Jesus said to him, ‘If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.'”

— Mark 9:23

Prayer Of Miracle For The Impossible

Oh God,

As it was in the beginning, so is it now, and so shall it always be; glory is to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God above, I humbly come before you today as your servant, helpless and feeble in the face of your immeasurable magnificence. You are in charge of everything in this life and the next, including my life, and by worshiping your name, I stand to gain everything.

I ask the Almighty God for immediate miracles that would change the alleged disadvantages in my life into positives. Your gifts will affect every aspect of my life, and I’ll be sure to share my testimony throughout my long life, Father.

Lord, work miracles in my life to show off your might and glory. God bless me, and please give me more reasons to believe in you. I ask God to create me as a living miracle who will constantly proclaim His mercies. I appreciate your responses, and I pray in the name of Jesus.


“Jesus replied, ‘What is impossible with man is possible with God.'”

— Luke 18:27

Quick Miracle Prayer

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for being my ever-present aid in times of need, my rock, and my redeemer. You’re capable of more than I could imagine. I want to move forward in faith, not sight. Please work a miracle in my life.

I believe in your promises because I know you can accomplish the seemingly impossible in my life and save me from a cruel death. I appreciate you being a God who is aware of and attentive to my needs.

Heal, transform, and strengthen me in body, mind, and soul. Take away my fear and give me wholehearted trust in you, my God. Embrace me with your precious blood and anoint me with your Holy Spirit.

Lord Jesus, I love you. You are blessed, Jesus, and I thank you. For the rest of my life, I will obey you. Please assist me, Mary, My Mother, the Queen of Peace, and all the Angels and Saints.


“Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”

— Mark 9:24
silhouette of a hand with lights and prayer for immediate help from god

Prayers For Immediate Help From God

Miracle Request For Financial Assistance

Dear Father,

I appreciate your constant willingness to provide for all my needs following your immeasurable riches in glory. I’m grateful that you continually bestow me with blessings in all facets of my life.

In your merciful name, I ask that you perform a strong miracle in each person you have sent to assist me in my financial need today. In the name of Jesus, I receive an expedited benefit that you have in store for me during this downtime.


“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

— Philippians 4:19

The Instantaneous Miracle Prayer For Any Situation


You are the one who says and accomplishes it. Please reveal yourself to me in this situation. So that every heart will praise the name of your Son, Jesus, let the entire world witness your grace at work today.

Father, please come to me with good news and let my voice be heard wherever that matters. Perform the miracles that will permanently silence my opponents. In the name of Jesus, let them depart in utter mockery.


“Call me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

— Jeremiah 33:3

Immediate Healing Prayer

Loving God,

I ask you to give me consolation in my suffering, to strengthen the hands of those who treat me, and to bless the methods employed to treat me. Lord, you are abounding in kindness and grace; pour your healing power over me.

Throw out anything that shouldn’t live inside of me. Through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, grant me such assurance in your grace that I may put all my trust in you even when I am terrified.


“Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me, and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.”

— Jeremiah 17:14

Dangerously Powerful Prayers That Bring Instant Answers

A Request To Get Over Discouragement

Father in Heaven,

I want to give up. Please refresh my memory of why I started. Please make your plan’s purpose clear to me. Give the required grace. Keep me focused on your face as I seek courage for the next move, faith to persevere, and the conviction that miracles are possible today and in all situations.

You are one of the kindest and most caring of all, since I know you are aware of my true desires. Lord, may your will, not mine, be done. In the name of Jesus Christ, I thank you for hearing my prayer and responding to it.


“Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why are you so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.”

— Psalm 42:11

A Request To Win The Spiritual Battle Of Today

Dear God,

We beg you to intervene against strongholds, demonic influences, and spiritual assaults in the name of Jesus. We are convinced that you possess the supernatural ability and fortitude to defeat the most formidable foe, surmount the most challenging obstacle, and silence the most terrific liar.

We declare victory today in your name, which is deserving, glorious, and powerful beyond measure. Send your strongest troops to defend us in this conflict. Lord, the night is as light to you as the day. Set us free, grant us peace, and grab us back from the enemy’s grasp by shining your light upon us.


“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

— Ephesians 6:12
hands praying and a bible and prayer for immediate help from god


A sincere thank you is always a fantastic way to start a conversation. God enjoys seeing our hearts of gratitude. Understanding our spiritual authority in Christ, as revealed in the Scriptures, is the most crucial element to a fruitful prayer practice. The Bible must be thoroughly studied if that is to be accomplished.

You will not fully benefit from what God has provided for you if you don’t pray. God has positioned His kingdom, so we must regularly approach Him personally, seek Him out, and ask Him to work in ourselves and our circumstances.

25 thoughts on “Strong Prayer For Immediate Help From God That Brings Instant Answers”

    • Thank you for this prayer I really need it my life is endangered and I am afraid of my own son. He tried to kill me once before because he has mental health issues I am truly afraid of him. I have been praying for the Lord to help him because it’s nothing that I can do for him anymore I have turned him over to God. But I still can’t sleep I have no peace in my life I am contemplating selling all my stuff so that I can run away from him. I have tried to be the best mom I could be but it has never been enough I have given of myself to him then I have given to myself. So please pray for me and him sincerely Kimberly B. I need help Lord please help me please don’t forsake me. My heart is hurting to my core 💔😭 I don’t have anyone to help me 😭🥺

      • Immediate Healing Prayer
        (I suggest saying/ repeating this 3 times💞)

        Loving God,

        I ask you to give me consolation in my suffering, to strengthen the hands of those who treat me, and to bless the methods employed to treat me. Lord, you are abounding in kindness and grace; pour your healing power over me.

        Throw out anything that shouldn’t live inside of me. Through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, grant me such assurance in your grace that I may put all my trust in you even when I am terrified.


      • I’m sorry this is happening to you, I’m sure you’re an amazing mother. The Lord is with your son and I decree and declare that the Lord will heal him with the blood of Christ as well as you. May God protect and heal you from any and all circumstances. In Jesus name you no longer have to be afraid, you are saved and protected. All you need is God you don’t need anyone else, the Lord is with you and he hears your every prayer, he’s making a way for you always. Again, may the Lord heal your son from any mental heath issues 💗

  1. It is a very trying time for, nothing seemed to be going right for months on end, I at times want to just give up on everything, but God is that Hope that keeps me holding on and prevents me from falling even though i may be slipping, to My Lord My God, shall I turn again in this moment of pain and struggle

  2. Please pray for our home. We had a septic tank/washing machine backup in our new home and our insurance company, or our warranty do not want to pay. Plz pray God will do something gr8!!!

    • Jesus uses all things to work together for good in your life – even the things you wish were different. Accept the situation and then look around for what Jesus is doing – keep your eyes on him an keep him in the center of your thinking, HE will help you make good choices – Much love an prayers CC

  3. My dad passed & I can not get through life. His flowers on his grave were destroyed & the cemmetrary didnt care. These items are important for honoring loved ones & God. My exboyfriend cheated on me, stole from me & destroyed my life in many ways. He called the cops & lied to them to have me thrown out of a past job where I met him because he didnt want to see me at work. I can not cope with life. I am better off dead so I wont have to be here to suffer then many things that life wants to destroy, the ones that have happened & the unforeseen ones yet to happen. Need a lot of help. Thanks & Bless!

  4. My daughter has a medical condition that would suppose to take her to India for surgal operation since 2019 , cos of issue of finance the journey has not been made, pls I need serious prayers for God to fetch helpers to assist

  5. I prayer a miracle over me and my family I prayer that our mighty got can protect us from the evil and enemies my life as fell apart over these last couple of years my home work money luck friend my weath my marriage I feel like giving up

  6. Please heal me Lord. I’m 82 and a caretaker for 14 years to my husband. Please give me haling of my mind. I have back and sciatica issues and swollen ankles. Please give me renewed strength, grace mercy, joy, confidence and to trust in you. Heal me from anxiety and depression. Make me bold to move forward with your safety and protection. Take any doubt or fear because you are Jehovah Rafa! The God that heals. Amen Please annoint me with a sound mind. I am healed only by you!

  7. Thank you God for sending your son to take the sins I deserve to bare. I acknowledge I am a sinful man and I will be forever thankful to You Holy one for defeating evil, and continually providing for me even though I don’t deserve those provisions. Thank you so much Lord God that my young son goes to a Christian school so he can be the light you want Him to be regardless of the fact that in my own vision I may never see him again, not because I don’t want to see him again but because the enemies brutal continued assaults on my family have been perpetual for a couple months now. Thank you for allowing my son to be born, and thank you for answering the prayer I prayed for a child. I don’t think I’ve ever thanked you for saving his life at the time when I wasn’t even sure if I was going to get to meet him. Wow God You never cease to protect me, and my son and his mother safe. Thank you for showing me the errors of my ways and thank you for being merciful in the process. Hey God I also thank you for allowing me to be humbled by this article, and I pray for those that read this, will in turn be blessed not only by these words but that those who don’t know Your son yet, would have an opportunity to get to know Him because I believe you will answer that request. You are in control of absolutely everything you have created. I acknowledge the many wonders you have created including me. They Kingdom Come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

  8. ….. Also Lord I pray that the isolation I’ve been experiencing will cease and that according to Your will maybe one day I won’t feel so cut off, rejected and lonely, and before I take my last breath I ask you would build the family I desire because you are capable of doing that. With every breath, I pray that all of us will continuously honor You, with all of our heart, soul, and mind. You are the Only, Great, Mighty, Powerful, Gracious, and Merciful, Creator and with Your help , keep me from losing my patience with You, I’m wrong for that, and ask for Your help in this matter, and all the sinful matters of the heart that I haven’t mentioned, to be silenced by You and to allow me to know the difference between Your voice, and helping me put away my sinful desires.

  9. I am facing eviction next week from a home I am renting and who increase my rent by 15%. I have no place to live and have no money to move at this time. The Lord has blessed me so much and I have lots of furniture that I have to move. Please pray and believe with me that GOD will make a way and give me favor and provide a financial miracle so I can move from this house ASAP. I know GOD does not want me to stay in this home and I believe that he will supply all of my needs. Thank you all for your prayers!

  10. At a point in my life where my faith has diminished to the finest thread it has ever been. My financial nightmare doesn’t get any better no matter how hard I pray or what I try to do. I am in need of an urgent financial miracle or some kind of damn guidance from God as to what in the hell I can do to stop this nightmare. I am tired of the silence from God and don’t know how much longer I can hold onto that final thread of faith.

  11. I been stressful through the years lost Brother,Dad,Mom,and son grandson,and my dog i just had horrible years I finally got over the depression stage im raising a granddaughter which I had her since she was new born now she going 2 be 16 year I plan a sweet 16 in August had put deposit on things I was let go from my job due to my Granddaughter condition she (disable) now I just don’t know if she going to have a sweet 16 I been praying so much that some of my prayers are not getting answer I feel that the lord forgot bout us but it seen that every time I pray something goes wrong cuz now my truck broke down I live in the country side and there no transportation for my granddaughter doctor appointments I just don’t understand none of this plze pray for us im in a desperate need .Thank you for your time.

  12. Thank you God, for giving hope in impossible situations especially in healing from Illness.
    I stand on your promises, scriptures. By Jesus stripes, I am healed.
    In Jesus name, Amen

  13. Thank you god our father. Plz heal my knee, touch it w ur mighty hands. Plz take away the pain.only for you can restore me father. I am falling down. I need to heal father. I need to return to work by the 15th father. Plz heal me, as only u can do.
    In Jesus name amen. Thank you father..🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤❤

  14. Father please forgive me of all my sins. For years my kids have blamed me for all our misfortunes. Even when they were sneaking behind my back doing evil things which caused a lot of problems. They blame me for people that left our lives. They blame me bcuz I’m disabled. They blame me for being poor. They blame me for the gangs anticipation in our areas, their affiliates. I have apologized and prayed over 30+ years and I’m still getting blamed for things I had no clue about or any control over. Now they’re all grown with kids and are miserable and they’re blaming me for that too. They don’t want to be responsible for anything specific like contributing to the household bills and rent. I’m wrong for threatening to put them out bcuz they are disrespectful and selfish. Lord knows I have gone through a lot. I’ve given all have/had to give. I’m tired. I’m leaving. And now I’m getting blamed for wanting my freedom my peace my own life. Please someone help me to relocate from New Jersey to The Carolinas. Please!!! Thank you LORD PLEASE PLEASE SEND ME AN ANGEL!!! I NEED A MIRACLE!!!

  15. Good day
    I need God’s miracle today. We are currently staying in a dilapidated structure on a property which is being rented by once friends of ours. We need to be out here by Thursday (today is Monday). We have signed a lease and paid deposit and first month rent for our new place but got notice today that the current tenant refuses to move out. Our occupation date has been moved out to 1 October. We cannot stay here any longer and will be on the street as I cannot afford to pay rental anywhere else. My, my husband, 2 daughters and 2 grandsons need your intervention dear God… Please help

  16. My blood vessels and veins are not working,there are some clots and serious inflammation let us unite in prayer to break that fatal condition in the mighty Name of Jesus


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