The Cycle Of Sin And Redemption: Does God Forgive Sins You Continue To Repeat?

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Published by Kenneth Garcia


Co-Founder of Biblekeeper, Author & Theologian

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Many find it hard to believe that God forgives repeated sins. The Bible has stories of God’s forgiveness but also His punishment for sins. So, does God forgive recurring sins? Yes, He does. God is merciful and forgives those who repent.

In Exodus 34:6–7, the Bible describes God as merciful, slow to anger, and abundant in love and faithfulness, forgiving of sins. This shows God’s willingness to forgive sins repeatedly.

Key Takeaways

  • God, as depicted in the Bible, is merciful and forgives repeated sins with sincere repentance. Exodus 34:6–7 and Psalm 103:12 underscore His patience, love, and readiness to forgive, regardless of sin frequency.
  • God’s forgiveness is limitless, covering all sins. Jonah’s story and Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 18:21–22 demonstrate God’s mercy, forgiving us repeatedly. This reminds us to seek God’s forgiveness continually, without using His mercy to justify sin.
  • For those struggling with habitual sinning, suggested steps include sincere repentance, seeking God’s forgiveness, strengthening your relationship with God, avoiding temptations, and undergoing judgment. Regular prayer, Bible study, community engagement, and confession are also recommended for spiritual growth and breaking the sin cycle.

Does God Forgive Sins You Continue To Repeat?

Yes, God forgives the sins you continue to repeat. God is forgiving. He forgives sins, regardless of their frequency (Psalm 103:12). However, continuous sin has consequences. Repentance and forgiveness[1] are different; forgiveness is promised upon repentance.

God, described as patient and loving (Psalm 86:15), forgives those who genuinely repent, even for repeated sins. But like earthly parents, God can be disappointed if we persistently disobey Him.

Jesus teaches in Matthew 6:15 that those unwilling to forgive others cannot expect God’s forgiveness. Therefore, genuine repentance and a behavior change are necessary.

Remember, God’s love and forgiveness persist even when we repeatedly sin. His faithfulness surpasses our failures (Lamentations 3:22–23). If you struggle with a recurring sin, God will forgive you upon true repentance. His desire is for us to renounce our wrongdoings and accept His grace and mercy.

at the edge of an otherworldly waterfall God forgives a soul beneath a radiant aurora

How Many Times Will God Forgive?

God’s forgiveness is unlimited. He forgives as many times as needed. His act of redemption on the cross imparts forgiveness to each believer, covering all past and future sins. However, this should not encourage us to keep on sinning but rather to keep on repenting.

The Bible, through the book of Jonah, illustrates God’s mercy and patience. Jonah disobeys God’s command to preach to Nineveh, yet God forgives him. In Luke, Jesus tells a parable about a forgiving father, symbolizing God’s immense mercy. He forgives us, no matter how often we sin.

In Matthew 18:21–22, Jesus tells Peter to forgive not just seven times but seventy-seven times, indicating that forgiveness should not be counted. This principle applies to God’s forgiveness as well.

Psalms states, “If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand?” reminding us of our imperfections and God’s readiness to forgive. Even if we’ve sinned repeatedly, God encourages us to seek His forgiveness.

God extending a compassionate hand towards a remorseful soul surrounded by ethereal light

How Do You Break Away From The Condition Of Repeatedly Sinning?

Overcoming repeated sin is crucial for spiritual growth. The Bible guides us on this, offering solutions to break sinful habits. It reminds us that we’re all sinners but encourages us to seek forgiveness and turn away from our sins.

  • Sincere repentance: The first step is sincere repentance. This involves acknowledging your sins, feeling genuine remorse, and making a conscious decision to avoid repeating the sin.
  • Seek God’s forgiveness: We should take responsibility for our mistakes and ask for God’s grace to help overcome our habits. According to the Bible, God forgives those who repent.
  • Strengthen your relationship with God: To stop repeated sin, we need to focus on our relationship with God. This involves regularly reading the Bible, praying, meditating on His Word, and studying Scripture to understand His will.
  • Avoid temptation: The Bible advises us to “flee from temptation.” This is key to breaking the cycle of repeated sin. We should identify and avoid potential temptations. Remember, God gives us the strength to overcome sin.
  • Undergo judgment and chastisement: By continually undergoing Almighty God’s judgment and chastisement, we can gradually resolve the issue of our sinfulness and become those who truly obey and revere God.
God extends forgiveness to a persistent sinner

Things That Will Help If You Are Genuinely Looking To Work On Your Sins

1. Pray Regularly

Prayer is the key to seeking forgiveness and curbing sinful habits. Dedicate daily time for prayer and meditation. Communicating with God helps maintain focus on His will and resist temptation.

2. Spend Time In The Bible

Regular Bible study helps us understand God’s will and expectations. It offers hope during struggles, reminding us of redemption possibilities despite past failures.

3. Seek Support From Other Christians

A supportive community of believers aids in staying on the right path. Interaction with fellow Christians provides encouragement and accountability for overcoming sinful habits.

4. Confess Your Sins To God

Confessing sins is vital for repentance. Acknowledging mistakes and seeking forgiveness displays humility and faith in God’s mercy, enabling spiritual progress. Regular confession promotes accountability and honesty.

God forgives a penitent figure in a serene garden filled with blooming celestial flowers


Humans are inherently sinful, but that doesn’t justify continuous sinning. Repentance often requires ongoing effort and change. If there’s no sincere effort to change, repeated sins may be hard for God to forgive. However, forgiveness can also be a one-time event following a humble confession. Regardless of our failures, God’s grace is always available.

Frequently Asked Questions

What To Do If You Repeat A Sin?

If you find yourself repeating a sin, consider these steps: pray for strength, seek alignment with God’s spirit, identify and avoid sin triggers, fast, memorize scripture, find an accountability partner, confess your faults, and focus on positive thoughts.

Remember, God forgives sins followed by repentance, and His mercy surpasses our failures. If you struggle with a recurring sin, God will forgive you upon true repentance.

How Do You Ask God For Forgiveness For Repeated Sins?

To seek forgiveness for repeated sins, admit your sin, acknowledge it was wrong, express remorse, ask God for forgiveness, make amends if possible, and commit to change.

Are Forgiven Sins Retained?

No, forgiven sins are not retained. According to the Bible, in John 20:23, Jesus said to his disciples, “If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven. If you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” This means that when sins are forgiven, they are not held against the person any longer.

2 thoughts on “The Cycle Of Sin And Redemption: Does God Forgive Sins You Continue To Repeat?”

  1. I see the advice now because am a victim of the same sin being repeated.
    I learn that prayer and faith are the vitamins of the soul, a man cannot live in health without them.


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