Embracing Faith Over Fear: Finding Strength In Uncertain Times

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Published by Kenneth Garcia


Co-Founder of Biblekeeper, Author & Theologian

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Fear is critical to self-preservation or self-defense. However, it may also foster a wide range of negative outcomes in a person’s life. Fear can manifest itself in various forms; it could be an inherited iniquity or a learned thought process that has been passed down from one generation to another.

Failure or bad decisions are another source of fear; they bring our past mistakes into the present, robbing us of hope for a better future. Put simply, fear refers to a lack of faith or a sense of hope.

Fear will lead us to become preoccupied with the impending problems or evils of the future, so that we are unable to effectively handle the problems of today. But the New Testament instructs us, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34).

What Does Faith Over Fear Mean?

Fear is defined as “the unpleasant feeling you have when you think you are in danger.” Fear is a powerful and often paralyzing emotion[1]. It is the apprehension of negative outcomes, the worry about what might go wrong. Fear can prevent us from taking risks, pursuing our dreams, or even enjoying the present moment.

On the contrary, faith is the exact opposite of fear. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

While fear is the unsettling sensation that something terrible will occur, faith is the absolute confidence or assurance that something we hope for will ultimately come true, whether we perceive it or not.

Choosing faith over fear encourages us to shift our focus from dwelling on potential negative outcomes to embracing a positive mindset. It’s about replacing worry with hope and pessimism with optimism. By choosing faith, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities.

As Christians, this involves having confidence in God—that there are powers greater than the physical world around us. Thus, faith in God entails choosing to put our trust in his true goodness: his eagerness to love, give, and establish a special connection with us.

When we prioritize faith, we become more resilient in the face of challenges. Instead of succumbing to fear, we develop the inner strength to persevere. This resilience allows us to bounce back from setbacks and continue on our journey, regardless of the obstacles.

What Does The Bible Say About Faith Over Fear?

How To Choose the Right Course Of Faith and Trust Over Fear

Fear is a natural consequence of sin. We lost our secure haven, which had been one with God, after the fall (Genesis 3), and because of this, we became slaves to sin. We grew estranged from our true Heavenly Father, resulting in spiritual demise, eternal damnation, and a loss of admission to the Kingdom.

In Genesis 3:7–10, we witness a pair of things transpire: fear and shame came to the earth. First, “they hid from God,” and then they “were afraid because they were naked.” However, Romans 6:17–18 proclaims, “But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you have come to obey from your heart the pattern of teaching that has now claimed your allegiance. You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.”

As stated in Romans, we become slaves to those we follow. We can easily become slaves to our fear, which inevitably leads us to death, or slaves to our faith, which ultimately leads to goodness. Imagine us as sponges. Whatever stuff is soaking in a sponge is going to come out when it is squeezed out. The way we live is somewhat comparable. To choose faith over fear, we need to first understand which things we are absorbing the most.

Getting Rid Of Fear And Allowing Oneself To Grow In Faith

When we experience the loving embrace of God, something amazing takes place since He is a God of righteousness. Moses removed his sandals, acknowledging the gap between God and himself. Moses was standing on sacred land. When we walk in the very presence of God, something transforms and shifts about us.

Our closeness to God requires transformation. Every moment we are enveloped by His loving arms, we don’t feel afraid anymore, our safety becomes secure, and He responds to our defense. Picking faith over fear involves a close relationship with God. As Psalm 91:2 reads, “I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Our answer is our obligation. We must reply with an active reply that reflects our confidence in Jesus Christ.

Can Faith Overcome Fear?

Jesus was well aware that faith can certainly overcome fear, and he made an effort to encourage his followers to put their trust in him in the face of truly terrifying events, as we see in the verses of Mark 4:35–41:

That day, when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him.

A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”

Following the passage, he got up, rebuked the wind, and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down, and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”

Jesus wasn’t convincing his followers that the storm they were experiencing was insignificant or that their overacting fear was unimportant. He made an effort to reassure them that there was something greater than the waves and winds. With that obstacle, Jesus teaches us today that we have the opportunity to have faith in God, his Word, and his strength and find peace of mind to triumph over our fear.

glowing lantern against a brick wall and faith over fear

What Is The Power Of Faith Over Fear?

When we choose faith over fear, nothing is impossible. Furthermore, when we are overwhelmed by difficulties, overpowered by emotions, and shaking from fear of what appears to be far greater than us, the power of faith helps and guides us to have complete confidence in God and the promises he makes. It enables us to look beyond the immensity of the enormous mountain in front of us and trust that God is greater than all these mountains.

Psalm 23:4 speaks of wandering through the valley of the shadow of death and not fearing evil, for God is with us and calms us. That is the power of faith over fear. We can put faith over fear simply by trusting in God’s immense ability to soothe storms.

Jesus tamed devastating storms, winds, and waves. The power of faith will help us to have trust in Him that He can ease our fear since we believe He is far stronger than what’s happening around us and that He truly cares about us.

9 Simple And Effective Ways To Choose Faith Over Fear

1. Be Aware That Overcoming Fear And Growing In Faith Is A Process

This is where we must be patient with ourselves and travel in God’s goodness and mercy, guided by the Holy Spirit. Since a lot of us have fearful habits of thought and terrifying expectations of the future, fear becomes so common that we aren’t really sure how to deal with it.

If we behave based on the law, based on the black-and-white mentality, “Since I have fear, then I am a sinner and unworthy,” with this kind of thinking and viewpoint, we will be lured back into dread, guilt, and humiliation.

However, if we’re able to live in accordance with the Spirit of God, where there’s no condemnation but instead the Spirit of Adoption, where we can call out our Father in Heaven, we will be able to step into our true nature as God’s children. We have the opportunity to feel secure again and drop our walls, and we may ask God the Father to accompany us in growing ourselves out of all these old, fruitless patterns of thinking through the power of His Spirit.

2. Always Remember That Fear Originates From The Devil

Faithful individuals tend to believe that fear and doubt aren’t always “bad” offenses. However, we may not always take things with as much seriousness as God does. We must understand that living in dread and fear is serious, so that we may be keen on choosing faith over fear today.

In light of 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power, love, and self-control,” things that aren’t from God should never be around you. Every crippling fear comes from the devil. The passage also demonstrates that fear is a spirit that can be restrained. Our Lord has bestowed upon us a spirit of love, self-control, and power, not fear.

3. Take Some Time To Pray And Meditate

The practice of engaging oneself in meditation and prayer serves as one of the most effective methods to enhance our faith. Spend some time each day reflecting on the goodness of God and His promises and asking for His direction and understanding in your life. Writing in a journal, reading the Bible, or simply listening to worship music can help us establish a stronger relationship with God.

As stated in Philippians 4:6, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” When we lay our problems at God’s feet, our hearts will be filled with serenity.

4. Listen To God’s Voice Rather Than Ourselves

Saul’s anxiety continued to haunt him while he led the population of Israel, as recorded in 1 Samuel 15:12–13, 17–20. He lacked confidence, didn’t consider himself to be very significant, and was worried about what other people were thinking about him (1 Samuel 15:24).

Instead of seeking confidence and strength from God, Saul opted to deal with his fear by being arrogant, self-reliant, and deceiving. He established a statue of himself to ensure that everyone remembered what he accomplished. He chose to disregard God’s stated commands, do everything his way, and subsequently lie about it, so he looked more devoted than he was.

Whatever Saul thought of himself, God picked him as his representative and taught him what he needed to do. Instead of being afraid and insecure, Saul could have opted to trust and listen to God.

Similarly, regardless of how we think about ourselves, God has good things in store for every one of us since He is the one who created us. God made us anew in Christ Jesus to ensure we could live our lives accomplishing the good works that he had already laid out for us.

5. Give Up Control

Moving by faith means giving up control of our lives to God. Yes, this might be tough because we constantly want to stick to our personal plans and goals. Absolute faith, on the other hand, entails trusting that God’s plans are greater than the ones we have and that He is in control of everything for our benefit.

6. Walk With God

We live in extremely difficult times. One way to choose faith over fear involves considering what could improve our relationship with God.

In line with this, Psalm 62:11–12 declared, “God said to me once and for all, ‘All the strength and power you need flows from me!’ And again, I heard it clearly say, ‘All the love you require can be found in me!'” Truly, God provides all of the might and ability we require. It will naturally flow into us when we walk together with him.

If you’ve been battling to carry on with the demands of life and don’t feel like you have the drive to love others or have faith, realize that God guarantees his love, power, and goodness to pour into your spirit. Being kind enough to seek God for the love and strength we need for our daily lives as well as our connections is one way we might choose trust over fear.

7. Trust That We Are Who God Says We Are

In Judges 6, we meet a man who struggles through an awful moment. He is terrified, yet he is prepared to take a chance on God’s promises. His name is Gideon. In the next chapter of Judges, he grows in confidence and chooses faith over fear.

After Gideon rallies his men for combat, God instructs him that he wishes to reduce the troops so that everyone will see that it was God, not the bulk of the army, who saved Israel. Gideon doesn’t let fear control him. He obeys God and stands on the verge of battle with barely 300 men. Indeed, God’s word stood firm. Gideon and his little army go on to overcome their much bigger opponents, and God receives all of the glory.

8. Ask For Wise Advice

The journey to choosing faith over fear does not mean we need to go through it alone. Seek thoughtful guidance from reliable friends, teachers, pastors, or loved ones who can support and direct our journey. In moments like this, it is critical to surround ourselves with individuals who will support our beliefs and hold us accountable to our ideals and aspirations.

Step forward in submission. Faith necessitates action. Be ready to move forward in obedience to whatever God is leading us to do as we try to live by faith. This could include taking risks, overcoming obstacles, or making sacrifices. Believe that God will supply us with the power and tools we need in order to follow His direction.

9. Adopt A Long-term Mindset

Lastly, choosing faith necessitates embracing a long-term view. Understand that our spiritual path will include ups and downs, and acknowledge that there could be periods of waiting, suffering, or frustration. However, know that God is trustworthy and that He’s constantly working everything for our good. Maintain our focus on Him and our commitment to growing in faith over time.

black cat in the dark and faith over fear


Jesus did not guarantee us a smooth journey here on Earth. He predicted that our lives would be filled with challenges. We can bet Peter was still feeling fearful (which is a natural human response) as he jumped out of the boat and began walking to Christ on the water.

Faith, as defined by Hebrews 11:1, is the conviction of things not seen. Even though it appears that there isn’t any hope in sight, we must believe there is.

What’s important is that, despite our fear, we choose to believe and allow our faith to impact our response to the situation. We choose to trust God amid the voices in our heads. We choose faith over fear every single time.

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