Real Meaning Behind When People Say That God Is Gracious

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Published by Kimberly Wall


Co-Founder, Disciple Group Leader, Author

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God is generous; thus, we experience God’s grace. “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to wrath, abounding in love and faithfulness,” is how God is described to Moses in Exodus 34:6 as God reveals Himself to him.

Being gracious is one of God’s characteristics. The verb form of the Hebrew word for graciousness, “channun,” denotes consideration and favor. God is gracious, and His grace would imply that He has a favorable disposition toward us and wishes to benefit us and act in our best interests.

What Is The Graciousness Of God?

Grace is what God does because He is gracious. Grace is the Hebrew word “chanan” or the Greek word “charis,” meaning “the state of kindness and favor toward someone, generally with a focus on a benefit given to the object.”

Every action God takes in our direction involves His grace—His work on the earth, providence, conviction of sin, gift of salvation[1], the edification of the saints, and the destiny He has planned for us.

Interestingly, people did not frequently use the term “grace” in the New Testament. In actuality, Greco-Roman ethics and theology had never heard of this Christian term. In other words, “grace” is God’s loving kindness toward the undeserving.

Grace is who God is. His graciousness is a free gift and the greatest gift for humanity. Grace is God’s great love for His people.

The Justice And Holiness Of God’s Grace

God is fair, just, and pure. These depict God as a judge who honors righteous conduct and condemns improper conduct. The phrase “the anger of God” is frequently used for these qualities. It nearly seems as though God has two faces.

One is a kind, gracious, and loving God who loves and cherishes His creation. The alternative image of God is that of a strict perfectionist who would chastise anyone who strayed from the path of life.

God’s Love And Grace In Salvation

Although our salvation is only one aspect of God’s grace, it is arguably the most obvious example. We are saved by grace, as Paul states in Ephesians 2:5 and 8. None of the things we have done or even have the ability to do will have any bearing on our salvation. The only factor is God’s grace. He merely extended His grace to us by providing His salvation.

What Does The Bible Say About God Is Gracious?

God is gracious because He is love, as stated in Isaiah 30:18: “Yet the Lord longs to be kind to you; he rises to show you compassion.” It is in His nature to love even when He is not loved in return. He will bestow good upon us because of His goodness. He shows mercy, kindness, and favor to anybody He chooses because that is who He is.

God is merciful because He created us. He still gives us blessings out of His free will, even when we don’t acknowledge or adore Him. God made people out of good, and He won’t abandon any of His other creations.

When Is God Gracious?

God is always forgiving, even when we turn away from Him. As in His character, He “does not change like the shifting shadows,” and He is merciful” (James 1:37). Up until the very last second of our existence, He extends His mercy to us. Because He created us to dwell in eternity with Him, He doesn’t want anyone to perish.

The Lord is kind and gentle, slow to become angry, and overflowing with love. He will not hold onto His anger forever. God’s grace enables us to have eternal life. God sent His only Son to die to atone for humanity’s disobedience because He loved them so much. When we are in need, God is merciful and sends us provisions through various verses in the Bible.

Ephesians 2:8–10

Because you were saved through faith and not through works, so that no one can take credit for it, you have been saved by grace through God’s gift of grace. We are God’s creation through Christ Jesus, and God predestined those good deeds for us to do.

Romans 5:1–2

We then have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained entrance by faith into the grace in which we now stand because we have been justified by faith. And we take pride in the expectation of God’s glory.

sun rays on tree bark and god is gracious

How Is God Gracious?

God has provided everything necessary for humans to develop and flourish. He goes beyond merely surviving. He customizes every gift He gives. He still does this even when we don’t appreciate or deserve it.

Ephesians 1:7 demonstrates the grace of God. We have received His grace through the offering of His Son, Jesus, on the cross. “In Him, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, following the riches of God’s generosity that He showered on us with all wisdom and understanding.”

To Stand In Grace Is Justified

Paul explains that we are justified by faith in Romans 5:1–2. Our standing before God is a matter of His grace, and we have access to that grace through the same confidence that has brought us to “where we now stand.” Because of His grace, we can enter His presence. And it is only by His grace that we can still stand before Him.

Growing Strong In God’s Grace

Stay steadfast in God’s grace. Being assertive takes a workout. It would be best if you put effort into it. Realize that God is on your side and that He desires the best outcome for you. Rely on Him and have faith that He is looking out for your long-term interests.

It is a feature of God’s character just as much as what He demonstrates to us through His actions. He showers us with love and grace and genuinely cares about us. Grace sets us free. Give up being independent, doing things your way, and relying on your resources. You will become more powerful in God’s grace if you depend on Him instead.

The Costliness Of Grace

Grace is costly, even though it is a free, undeserved gift God has given us. However, blessings are not all created equal. What if you received a pricey present from someone? Imagine you needed surgery but lacked the funds to pay for it. And then someone comes along, throws everything away, and goes into debt to pay for your procedure. It would help if you had this gift, but it’s also expensive. Additionally, it is a gift that will fundamentally alter your life.

And we must never, ever forget that the gift of salvation that we have received through faith in Jesus Christ is ours to keep and has been freely given to us. Nothing we do will allow us to earn it. However, the cross-killing of God’s only Son, Jesus, cost Him dearly.

Our Response To Grace

One can only live a life of thankful holiness as the appropriate response to grace. Because we follow the Spirit and not the flesh, Christ’s death on the cross was “so that the righteous requirement of the law might be accomplished in us” (Romans 8:4).

But presenting yourself as a living sacrifice is the rational way to respond to God’s generosity. “I implore you, therefore, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies as a living, holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your proper worship,” Paul stated in Romans 12:1.

Grace Is Everything

Even God’s judgment and the punishment for atheists in eternity are reflections of His grace. God provides numerous chances for repentance. But He does not compel anyone to accept Him because of His grace. God is to be praised for His sweeping grace. His mercy extends to all of us. God desires for us to respond by being there for one another in this way.

Some Bible Verses About Grace

2 Corinthians 12:9

But He said, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in love and understanding.” Therefore, I will boast gladly of my weaknesses so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Joshua 1:8

You must have this Book of the Law on your tongue and think about it constantly so that you can be cautious about following all it says. Because after that, you’ll become affluent and experience success.

Romans 5:20–21

The law was introduced to deepen the sin, but mercy multiplied where sin multiplied, so that, just as sin reigned in death, grace might also reign through the righteousness that leads to eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

2 Chronicles 30:9

Because if you turn back to the Lord, your brothers and children will have mercy on their captors and return to this country. Because of His kindness and compassion, the Lord, your God, will not turn His back on you if you turn back to Him.

John 3:16–17

God loved the world so much that He sent His one and only Son, granting eternal life to everyone who trusts Him because God sent Him into the world not to condemn it but for it to be saved by Him.

woman raising hands on sunflower field and god is gracious


God is benevolent. Being God’s children brings us privileges and advantages we neither earned nor deserve. That is the grace of God. We continue to consider this one of God’s numerous qualities as we learn more about Him and become more intimate with Him.

God has a plan for the overflowing amount of grace we have received, which is to be directed toward others. We don’t love others because we have to, but rather because we have received so much grace from God that we want others to have the same abundant grace we have.

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