Is Jesus The Messiah: What It Means For Us That Christ Is The Proven Messiah

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Published by Shannon Jacobs



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According to Christian belief, Jesus was born as a human being but was also the Son of God and sent by God to redeem humanity from their sins. The Bible speaks of how Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecies that described the Messiah, such as performing miracles and teaching the Word of the living God.

In fact, the name Jesus itself comes from the Hebrew word “Yeshua,” which means salvation or savior. As a result, many believe that Jesus is the Messiah prophesied by Old Testament prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel.

Is Jesus The Messiah?

The Bible provides numerous references to support this claim, from the Gospels to the Old Testament prophecies that foretold His coming. According to Christian scripture, Jesus is the promised Savior sent by God who suffered and died for mankind’s sins. He was also seen as a powerful healer and teacher, performing miracles that only one with divine power could do, such as turning water into wine at a Jewish temple.

In Matthew 1:21–23, an angel told Joseph: “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” This verse shows that even before birth, Jesus’ mission was clear; He would save humanity from their sins. In addition, Isaiah 7:14 prophesied a virgin would conceive and bear a son called Immanuel (which translates to “God with us”). This is an important prophecy that describes the birth of Jesus and His divine nature.

The New Testament provides numerous references to Jesus as the Messiah. The Gospel of John states that when asked if He was the Messiah, Jesus replied in the affirmative (John 4:25–26). Even in His final moments on the cross, Jesus reiterated His messianic credentials by declaring that all had been fulfilled (Luke 23:45–46). Similarly, Paul’s letters describe how believers have access to salvation through belief in Christ alone (Romans 10:9).

The early church also identified Jesus as the Messiah. In Acts 2, after receiving the Holy Spirit, Peter declares that it was through Jesus’ shed blood that mankind could be saved (v. 38). Furthermore, in Acts 3:20–22, Peter states that Jesus was sent to suffer for humanity’s sins and be raised from the dead. This is an important affirmation of who Christ truly is: God’s only begotten Son was sent to redeem us from our sins.

Why Is Jesus Called The Messiah?

Jesus is often referred to as the Messiah or Christos in Greek, or even the Anointed King. In the Old Testament, the term “messiah” refers to a leader who will come and deliver God’s people from bondage. It comes from a Hebrew word that means “anointed one[1].” This leader was expected to bring about an age of peace and spiritual renewal for Israel and all nations around it.

Throughout many of the books in the Old Testament, such as Isaiah and Daniel, prophecies were given about this messianic figure whom God would send. One prophecy states that this messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). Another says He will be descended from King David (2 Samuel 7:12–16). All of these messianic prophecies lead many to believe that Jesus is the Messiah.

The New Testament tells us how Jesus fulfilled all of the prophecies given in the Old Testament. He was born in Bethlehem, a descendant of King David, and His ministry and teachings proved Him to be God’s Anointed One. He then performed many miracles and reiterated God’s plan for salvation. His death on the cross was God’s ultimate demonstration of love for mankind and proof that Jesus was indeed the self-proclaimed Messiah.

In Christianity, Jesus being referred to as the Messiah means that He is God’s divinely appointed leader who will reign forever in heaven. His life and teachings are a model for all believers to follow, and His death and resurrection provide salvation for all those who repent of their sins and place their faith in Him. This is why Jesus is called the Messiah—He is the chosen one sent by God to bring salvation to mankind.

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What Proof Do We Have That Jesus Is The Messiah?

There is plenty of Biblical evidence that Jesus Christ is indeed the Messiah promised in the Old Testament. Luke’s Gospel says that when Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth, she was greeted with “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!”

This was about Elizabeth knowing by God’s Spirit that Mary was carrying a child who would be the Messiah. The New Testament goes on to support this belief as well with many scriptures showing how Jesus fulfilled prophecies of the Messiah. Isaiah 7:14 foretells a virgin birth which was fulfilled by Matthew 1:18–25 when Mary gave birth to Jesus without ever having known a man.

In Isaiah 9:6, the coming of a child is foretold who will be called a “Wonderful Counselor.” This is fulfilled in Matthew 1:21 when Joseph was instructed to name Mary’s son “Jesus” which means “salvation.” Further prophecies by Zechariah 11:12–13 and Jeremiah 31:15 are also fulfilled when Jesus entered Jerusalem on the back of a donkey with people waving palm branches and crying out “Hosanna!”

Jesus fulfills prophecy through His death as well. Psalm 22 foretells a man being mocked, spat upon, and crucified—all events that happened during Jesus’ trial and crucifixion. The Psalms also go on to foretell His resurrection and ascension. Matthew 28:6–7 states, “He is not here; for He is risen, as He said.” This was about Jesus’ prediction of His death and resurrection three days later.

What Sets Jesus Apart As The Messiah?

One unique feature of Jesus’ message is that He promised a kingdom not on earth but in heaven. This was a radical departure from other religious leaders who promised their people immediate material prosperity or political freedom. Jesus instead offered hope for something greater—an eternal life beyond death.

He also taught that God’s love for mankind was unconditional and that everyone could be forgiven for their sins through faith in Him. In this way, Jesus provided His disciples with a model of service which emphasized humility and love over power and status.

The miracles Jesus performed were unlike any seen before and spoke to His divine power. He healed the sick, cast out demons, and even brought people back from the dead. This authority was unique among all religious leaders of the time and demonstrated His special relationship with God.

Jesus also set Himself apart by claiming to be divine; He declared Himself the Son of God, granting Himself authority greater than any earthly ruler. His teachings were new and revolutionary; they rejected traditional religious laws in favor of an ethical code rooted in love and service.

Moreover, while other messiahs promised to deliver their people from political oppression or economic hardship, Jesus’ mission was to save mankind from its own spiritual failings. Through His crucifixion and resurrection, He was able to offer forgiveness of sins, a new life in the Spirit, and eternal life beyond death. These components set Jesus apart as the Messiah.

What Does It Mean For Us That Jesus Is Called The Messiah?

Jesus is the Anointed One of God, identified as ‘the Messiah’ in Scripture. In Jesus’ time, the title held great significance for the Jewish people who believed He was their nation’s promised leader and deliverer. They expected Him to restore Israel’s fortunes and bring about a new era of unity with God.

For us today, Jesus’ title as ‘Messiah’ means that He was sent to bring salvation and redemption to all who believe in Him—a gift of grace we can all experience if we open our hearts to His love. Through faith in the Messiah, we can gain hope and assurance for our lives beyond this world. We can be sure that Jesus’ promise of redemption and eternal life is available to all who follow Him.

For Christians, this title takes on even greater significance. Jesus was described in the New Testament as both Lord and Savior, fulfilling the Old Testament’s prophecies and assuring believers that He is indeed the promised Messiah sent by God to save us from our sins.

Moreover, Jesus’ role as Messiah also gives us hope for a better future. Through His example of love and service, He showed us how to live holy lives that are pleasing to God and taught us about the healing power of forgiveness. This gives us strength to carry on in spite of challenges and allows us to look forward confidently toward an eternity spent in His presence.

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The Bible provides abundant evidence that Jesus is indeed the Messiah. From Old Testament prophecies to New Testament affirmations, Jesus fulfills all requirements of who this Anointed One was expected to be.

He has given us a way out of our sins, offering forgiveness and eternal life through His death and resurrection. As such, it is clear that Jesus truly is the Messiah—God’s only begotten Son sent to save mankind from our sins and our hope for salvation in this life and the next.

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